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Who We Are

The Fair Play Policy Institute is a private foundation aiming to advance equity with a focus on “care justice” (i.e., equitable caregiving in America).

The Institute provides programming and grants to non-profit organizations working on improving how we care for each other. In so doing, the Institute uses tools to help individuals and communities build support systems and raises awareness about “care movement” policies and programs to support caregivers, such as employer leadership, unpaid labor, caregiving, paid family leave, and robust childcare options.

After seven years of research and development, Eve Rodsky introduced Fair Play, a game-changing system to help partners share what it takes to run a house and family more equitably. Eve Rodsky wrote the book Fair Play in 2019, soon followed by a podcast and the FAIR PLAY documentary, to amplify the importance of the care movement.

The mission, programs, and focus of the Institute are not on the Fair Play book (or the associated podcast or documentary); instead, the Institute focuses on raising awareness of the “care movement.”

The care movement seeks to raise public awareness of the need for “care justice,” which includes but is not limited to raising awareness of the undervaluation of care work, the lack of affordable care, and the importance of care for the health and well-being of the general public.

Why This  Work Matters

The following statistics demonstrate the potential impact the care movement could have on the general public.


of all caregivers are female and more often caring for two or more adults

National Alliance for Caregiving

Almost 1/3 of caregiving employees have voluntarily left a job because of caregiving duties

Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers
hours of care work

Family caregivers provide 36 billion hours of care work nationwide, equating to an average of 18 hours of unpaid work per week.

Approx 1 in 5 employees in the United States serve as unpaid caregivers

Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers

66% of women with young children participated in the labor force in 2021, compared to 94% of men

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

of family caregivers suffer from depression, twice the rate of the general population.

National Alliance for Caregiving


The Fair Play Policy Institute seeks projects focused on advocating and championing care justice. This program aims to empower organizations to expand, improve, and pursue transformative ideas and initiatives. 

Capacity Building Support

Support is available for capacity-building activities that build nonprofit infrastructure and sustainability. The institute supports activities to strengthen leadership and adaptive capacities, as well as management and technical capacities. The Institute does not provide general operating support or support for ongoing programs or activities.

How to Apply

Invitation only. Contact us for more information. The Institute expects to make up to four grants in the Spring of each year.


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